Password Management Training
Remembering passwords is hard. Nobody likes having to remember dozens of passwords that you use on a regular basis. As a result most people default to using the same password across multiple websites. Unfortunately the bad guys online know this too. They know if they can find your password on one site they can try that same password across multiple sites you might use and be able to steal your identity, money, of information from you.
Many people know this so they set up systems to still have secure passwords. Unfortunately post-it notes, password log books, and Word documents on your desktop also have critical flaws. The first is that you must have the piece of paper or your Word document with you. The second is that it’s easy for someone else to gain access to these files. And a third is you have to remember to go back and update them if you ever change your password in the future. The whole experience leaves you back to square one and just wanting to use a single password or a variation of a password across multiple sites.
We can teach you the basic and advanced systems for managing your passwords. The best part is that from now on you’ll only have to remember a single password. You’ll be able to have access to your passwords anywhere you are. You’ll be able to securely share passwords with loved ones or business associates if needed. You will also be able to easily update your passwords and see when the last time you changed your password was.
There are several great apps for managing your passwords and we’ve tried them all. We’ll help you choose the one that is right for you and provide you training on how to use it. We can even help get you started with the app, show you how to back up your password file, and strategies to recover your data if you ever get locked out of your account.
Set-Up A Password Management App
We will set up a password management application with your most websites. We will evaluate the your current system and help you create a new, more secure system. When we are done setting up your system you will feel confident that you know exactly where to find your login information for every website you use. You’ll also feel confident knowing you have strong passwords.
In-Person Password Help
There are all kinds of reasons you don’t want someone online helping you set up a password management system. The simple fact is that we are all taught to be extremely careful online and there are good reasons for this. You also want to be certain that whoever is helping you isn’t storing your information while helping you.
This is why Rooted Interactive comes to you anywhere in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area. We love making your life simpler and this is just one way we do this. It really doesn’t matter where you are we will find a way to come help you. We service clients in Eagan, Lakeville, Hopkins, Shoreview and even Western Wisconsin. We will give you an exact time that we can show up to your home or business and you can be certain we’ll be there at that exact time.